Mind the gap

Monday, February 27, 2006

Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn...

For those of you who are picking up what I'm throwing down, the title of this blog is a phrase in a rap song.

I'd like to share with you my Amsterdam hostel experience...there were good times...but mostly there were bad times.

It started when we arrived at the hostel... can u tell this is a hostel? I consider it a bad sign when only the "L" is lit up.

Six girls to a room!

And 6 girls to a bathroom!

The room did boast classy wall art though...

Chocolate AND Beer vending machines...could it get any better?

The hostel also had a pub...I'm finding this to be pretty standard in hostels.

Poor bloke! His mom called and asked that a note be posted for him to call home. I'd hate to be Isaac Alexander.

The hostel was absolutely FREEZING. I slept in flannel pj's (thanks to my fabulous sister Katie) two long sleeve shirts, my Northface fleece jacket...I also had my towel on top of my bed sheet for an extra layer. Truth be told, we all did this!

Wait till you read later on about the breakfast offerings...

I'd like to think that Erica and I are tough cookies for laughing through this dodgy situation.


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