Mind the gap

Sunday, January 29, 2006


As promised, here are pictures of my office. The Morningstar London office serves as the european headquarters for Morningstar UK and is currently the largest office. They moved in to their new office the day before I started, and as I've already mentioned, it's quite posh. I'm sure you'll see why I love being in the office...

This is the front of our building. If you look closely, you'll see a red bus in the picture. That's where my bus drops me off each morning. I love walking off the bus and right into the building!

This is part of our front lobby.

This is one of our 4 conference rooms.

This picture shows several different things... First, where the wooden shelves are- that leads into our kitchen and eating area. Second, the hanging dome lamp and four chairs- that is one of our little meeting areas in the office. We use the space for group meetings. The walls are like white boards, so we can write all over them. So cool! Third, the desk area is my department (data relationship managers- DRMs).

This picture shows two things. First, take note of the window seat and fun pillows. These have internet hook-ups so that you can take your laptop by the window to work. Second, if you look at the row of desks farthest back...the second chair in from the left is mine! It has a flat screen monitor that is attached to a swivel arm so that I can show it to the people sitting on either side of me.


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